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September, 1975
HIGH GEAR newspaper is a publication of the Gay Educational & Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation, of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization, that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit publication, and all proceeds not used to pay the printing costs and service. fees are set aside for the use of the GEAR Foundation's Community Center.
The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business, or persons(s). in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons, and may not be used as evidence of the sexual orientation of any contributors.
We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography, by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorialization, unless directed to the FORUM column. We cannot guarantee the return of any materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR, or not, unless it is accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Anyone interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR, should inquire by calling, 631-5330, or writing to HIGH GEAR STAFF, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101:
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The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication dates is as follows:
Advertising by the 20th of
every month, camera-ready and composition ads.
Written material by the 25th of every month.
News items until publication.
Eric Boroush, disc Jockey at Rikki's
Illustrations, Courtesy of "Polska"
call us and we'll tell
you how. 631-5330
John Nosek, Leon Stevens
A.G. Madigan
.... Robert Keith, Matt Phillips
..... D. Lorenz, Art McDonald, Donna Minkler, Konrad Payne, Matt Phillips, Jerzy Szczeplinski
The Gay Educational and Awareness Resources Center
DISTRIBUTION: Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Columbus, Dayton, Kent, Lima, Toledo and Warren.
✰✰✰✰✰ LETTERS ✰✰✰✰✰
Dear Editor:
I would very much appreciate your printing the enclosed letter I have sent to Bishop James Hickey of the Cleveland diocese:
Dear Bishop Hickey:
I am writing this letter as spokesman for several thousand homosexuals in Northern Ohio, many of them Catholics in the Cleveland diocese. We have a complaint that we would like to see rectified in our lifetime. We are weary of priests condemning us and defaming our character. We have a right to worship our creator in peace. The Constitution of the United States even guarantees us that, but we must sit through sermons and be continuously embarrased while priests in Cleveland churches drive us further into the ground. One instance was at St. Rose Church on June 14, at the 4:00 p.m. mass. The pastor gave a sermon that was against my people. I had the same problem at St. Agnes in Elyria four years ago. Twice I was humiliated and decided not to return to the Catholic Church until they started practicing what they preached.
One of the greatest commandments they taught me in grade school is "Love your neighbor as yourself." It seems that when a priest gets up in church and cuts down homosexuals, they twist God's commandment' to read "Love your neighbor as yourself, but if he is homosexual, condemn him, hate him, humiliate him, and drive him to suicide if you can't make him like you are."
Dear Father, do you know that there are 15 to 20 million homosexuals in the U.S.A? We could fill the whole state of California. If you gathered us all from the whole world, we number 350 million, enough to populate the entire continent of North America. There are as many gay people in this country as there are blacks. You don't just close your eyes and hope they will go away. I've heard people say that we are a mistake of nature. Well, we too are made in the image and likeness of God as you are. If we are a mistake of nature, I can't believe it because I don't think that God would make 350 million mistakes.
One thing that makes me angry is when we have to sit in church and listen to a priest, a servant of God kick our teeth in, and then pass around the collection basket. By God, I've never heard them turn down homosexual money.
I frequent gay bars in Cleveland often, and I see Catholic priests wearing their collars and drinking beer with us, and they are as gay as I am. I also have a couple of gay friends who dropped out of the seminary. I don't think that the priests who ridicule us have much to talk about. As long as some of your sheep are in my flock, I don't think the Church should talk against my people. I can show you 2000 to 3000 gay people in Cleveland in one evening, and a few are priests. In fact, there is an organization in Cleveland called Dignity. It is a nationwide organization for gay Catholics. You might learn more of my people by checking it out.
Dr. Freud once said, "Homosexuals need love too." Why can't the Catholic Church do something useful like setting up a committee to help my people instead of making life worse? A life of hell is not fun. We have to live in the underground and put up with harassment every day of our lives. Some of us resort to suicide.
Most of my friends hold prominent jobs. I am an electronics technician myself. If you abolished all gay people you would lose most of your teachers, clothes designers, chefs, bakers, salesmen, secretaries, hairdressers, musicians, priests, etc. We perform all kinds of services to mankind and help the churches, and when we can't even worship our Almighty Creator without being harassed, it is the last straw. We don't ask to be praised; just to be able to pray in peace.
I have written a letter to the pastor at St. Rose and told him I thought a public apology was in order for his sermon, and would be willing to drive 25 miles to hear it. So far, I haven't heard a word from him, and my friends in his parish tell me nothing' more has been said.
A small delegation of my people, two friends, and myself
would appreciate the opportunity of having an appointment with you for å friendly visit. If you would like to talk to us, please don't hesitate to write me. We are looking forward to seeing some positive results withing the Catholic Church soon.
Yours in Christ,
James R. Logan
Dear Editor:
7th Street
Elyria, Ohio
Believe it or not, I had no idea whatsoever that there was a gay ` newspaper in Cleveland. In fact, I had no knowledge at all that there were many other gays in Cleveland. It may sound hard to believe; but I was extremely depressed at one time because knew I was homosexual. Several months back, I attempted to commit suicide. I felt I was a misfit living on this earth, until one day when I accidentally happened to get a copy of your High Gear newspaper. That day was one of the brightest days in my life, because your newspaper helped me overcome my guilt feelings. High Gear makes a person proud that they are Gay!
I know that I will never be able to express my gratitude to you and your newspaper staff fully, but truthfully love every single one of you!
Sincere thanks, Gregg DiAntra Cleveland Hts., Ohio
Gregg, thanks for your kind comments. Receiving letters like yours makes us feel our efforts are worthwhile.